Monday, January 12, 2009

dear george....

Dear George,
Do you know you get the three second rule in this house?
You get the same treatment as Mr. Bush... Do you want to know what that is? three seconds that i have to listen to your bullshit before i manage to reach the remote control and turn you off. you have no code of moral ethics, none on journalism ethics, where do you draw the line? how about separation of church and state, that a good one for you? or you can just say and do anything you want because the threat of civil lawsuit against you and news stations don't exist? You ever watch runaway bride....that is you without the care and consideration on who you could be hurting.....what has happened that American journalism has forgot how to not only report the news but to do it with the freedom that existed in the sixty's or all is is so corrupted just like everything else in this country i can't even watch the news, and when i truly isn't new worthy when you only report the same things on all three channels and there is no real reporting...nothing, your nothing but a bunch of drone's that really have no mind of their own...or the ability to say you know this isn't right, and lets have a real breaking story on the truth and then reveal it the t.v. is nothing more than a place for me to watch movies and even there i don't get away from it but that i can live with...but your lying and doing evil on t.v. to prove a point to me, let me say that it is wrong and thou shall not persecute in the name of religion in this country is part of our constitution, and just because you talk about it doesn't mean you ad hear to it, does it? bend break and throw out our rights while saying what? that you are reporting the truth? oh hell no, you just kiss any one's ass for the ratings, and suck up, but god forbid that you actually have a brain and a conscience....PERIOD.....CASE CLOSED...

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