Saturday, May 23, 2009

may 23, 2009

by the way mr. president,
Andrea giving birth and cutting umbilici cord...woman giving birth, as a woman in travail...state, verses place for it...if you cross that line, which you have as well as the last two presidents....look what happens when you do...slippy know starts with one and ends with it hurting if you justify what the u.s. government has done to me then you justify
Augrey prison...and the Guantanamo bay...???? do you see how easy it is to travail that road down to hell....and as you see, you can't just go down that road as God would say you can't drink of the lords cup and the devils too.....can't doesn't work that way.....and it shows just how much you can compromise your values.......and yes i have to look at it from my point of view...what this country has done to me and my family is dead wrong and you know it...simple question mr. president would you have wanted your children to go through what mine have at the hands of this government? ask yourself president...and by the way...if you say they didn't do all of that? THEN YOU TELL ME THEY DIDN'T DO THAT TO GROWN MEN IN PRISON...POWER DOES CORRUPT AND TO DO IT IN THE NAME OF GOD IS WRONG...RAPE IS WRONG. NO MATTER WEATHER YOUR A GROWN MAN, OR WOMAN OR CHILD...PERIOD...AND TO COVER IT UP AND LIE MAKES YOU PLAIN EVIL AND NOT WORTH A TINKERS DAMN.....THE TRUTH IS THERE NO MATTER HOW OR WHAT YOU DO TO DENY IT...LIKE DENYING SOMEONE THE RIGHT TO ATTORNEY...SEE WHERE THAT GOES MR. PRESIDENT...AND IF THEY DID IT TO ME THEY WILL DO IT TO THE REST OF YOU...AS YOU HAVE ALREADY SEEN BEING DONE TO PRISONERS... (I REST MY CASE...AND I MUST SAY BE VERY VERY CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU DO TO ME NEXT...GOD'S ON MY SIDE...PLAGUE STYLE TO YOU WHAT EVER YOU DO...TRUST ME I AM NOT A LIAR...OR A THIEF OR A FRAUD. JUST WHAT U.S. GOVERNMENT DID TO ME AND GOD MAGNIFIED IT ALL RIGHT BACK ON YOU...ALL OF IT.... WORLD WIDE....SO WHO'S RIGHT AND WHO'S WRONG AND WHO'S JUSTIFIED? NOT YET BUT I WILL BE BY THE TIME GODS DONE WITH YOU...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

evening may, 21,2009

wow...three times in one day...ya know Mr. president, you need to be in front of the American people at least once a week, so we see in your own words where you stand. because of what i read is not the same as what you say....and we need as Americans to know that you are behind our constitution and civil rights all the way. also we just need to see you once a week to re assure the American people that you are still holding our hand during this trying time...for the people need to see and hear you...more... but not too long winded..o.k. because then we lose interest... i so like listening to you and feel reassured when you talk but i don't feel like what is said and done are two different me...because what is happening to me still tells me civil rights violations still going on right here in front of me...and i am one who can and will scream about matter what...and you know i can connect the matter what they say or how many lies put out there, i still have truth and i will not bend to lies forged against me...doesn't scare me one bit...let me talk and watch the lies get turned into devils soup and put apron their table of know damn well that the American government has lied more and more and abuse gets worse and worse..dick Chaney...i can not even stand to listen to him at all....83 times some guy water boarded, and not one good thing came of many times does it take for you to get the message? treat people like pin cushions to play with for your own love of terror...????? bully for would you feel if it was you there instead of some one else?? different story then huh? national security my ass...what do you bastards call what you done to me? what is that called? mental abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse, blowing engine in car, crashing my computer, and on and on...i call it breaking the laws of this land to forge more lies against an innocent woman and pathetic can you get? you evil bastard Chaney...and bush...hatred for those two for me is extreme..let me testify and i will put those two behind bars....for i am a u.s. citizen who has done nothing wrong but watched this evil government run to break the laws of this land to rape threaten and stock me and my children in the name of religion which is against the constitution...yes i will get on my soap box all the time...because i won't back down for my rights or others rights to be violated...
like babies or toddlers, or children's or adults...and you can't say god didn't magnified all that you did to me and my children.because Aubrey prison proves that the American government can and has mentally abuses and sexual abuse and physically abused others...let alone what they have done to me and my children all of these you can't Say it can't happen, because it did, and i am living proof of it..and so many men at Aubrey proves god can magnify all of your bastard acts you have done...over and over again...shame on you

afternoon,may 21, 2009

I can feel an other: i told you so coming on....another shoe going to drop!!!!! hello.....anybody home? Libby steps down from AIG....why??? and an other thing does he give back all those stock options and Christmas bonus and quarterly bonus's that he got? you know the ones we raised Cain about? sure seems like they take and take and take and when it gets ruff, they the government and excuses excuses excuses..on letting them get away with everything they do....
just resign because when the going gets ruff, we pass the buck and let someone else take the fall, and then we on top of that make more excuses and say well he is taking over and not his fault...come on folks sounds like the blind leading the blind, or how about dumb and dumber taking noooooo credit for all of it again.... round we come and lets listen to the nightly news on excuses and whatever way you can twist it again to satisfy your scamming of the American people....only its not only America people is it? nope that is where you made your mistakes...because other governments will hold you ready... smooth as butter....hummmm wonder where i read those words before? i bet dollars to donuts you know where...(hint hint..) i quote from it all the time...

may 21,2009

Hello america,

how are you all today?
me? fine....lets see went to fred meyer to pick up prescriptions...and once again three months in a row they on purpose screwed with prescriptions so i would have to come back...reward her double...crap again...this last month wouldn't fill a prescription at all, said it wasn't all covered. so i called and it is fully called back and now it is filled, just wanted me to waste more time and energy again to go back twice to fill medicine...bullshit..i am so tired of this crap but i have to take it huh...they wouldn't do it if they knew i had a lawyer and a class action suit against all of you who partake of this evil shit being done to another human being...assholes, anyway...and where is your humanity???? sitting on the sidelines waiting for your turn? cause it is about this...lets talk about the future and how they talk it up on how good things are going when in fact its not...don't you people see all of the indicators???? here how about this one....ready...this should have been a big one for you all....when the president of Freddie or fanny which ever one committed suicide...that should have sent red flags up everywhere...why you ask? glad you did..
why would someone who had just gotten promoted to president after the last one resigned, the Fed's were bailing them out;, money to back up all their cooked books...and could come back for second hand why would he do that? unless he knew that another round of guaranteed loans from abroad were coming back on them again and couldn't take the scrutiny, or the second wave of going to government for money,or how about they are finally looking into the cooked books and he knew he might be going to jail so he took the easy way out..well it might not have sent a red flag up for you but it did for me...? why when everything was going his way? why? just promoted,
got government funds to hold up company. so why? NOT PRESSURE, couldn't have gotten where he was without knowing how to handle i believe they are keeping what bad news he held, close to the vest..after all lose lips sink
ships... and they want to keep things semi stable right now...
there is too much to say better, to much...and then again lets go to the bush and the terror and being able to defend those tactic's....i am sure Saddam Hussein said the same things when he defended some of his actions, and lets remember he apologized to the people for some of the things he did and that was way back there and then when weapons of mass destruction ...who was lying there? not him???? was he??? that was an act of aggression done by the u.s. government...and who lied to go there to begin with? bush....and bush and bush again..and yet you people rationalize its o.k. for America to bend and break and throw out laws, and rules of conduct when it is America, but not when it is anyone else in the world? what's wrong with this picture? you know darn well that the u.s. government has become such a liar, that no one can trust anything they say...after incident after incident...(football player and friendly fire.) is just how much the government can and does blow things out of proportion....until they are caught again with their damned lies...and yet you people just keep buying into it??? now, who's the sucker? AND now not closing guantoma bay and back tracking because they have no where to send these people, and you know the second they get out they are going to be on t.v. talking about everything....everything..and that is why they won't let them go...more back lash for civil rights violations... can't you see the picture from others point of view? THE U.S GOVERNMENT wants to point fingers at n. Korea for holding press people, and they want to point fingers at Iran for woman held..when you look at America right now and how many they are holding on the same grounds for years with out any rights at all? come on America? are you America? because from where i sit there is no accountability anywhere except for us who can't fight against you... it still makes me mad when a woman can get arrested for embezzlement of a little baseball teams funds...but what about big business..and morage can not say they didn't cook the way and yet not one person arrested and thrown in the pokey...not one..reward the wicked with the righteous money and you have a receipt for disaster, especially when nothing has changed...nothing...they are protecting each others ass's on sorry assets...too...but the only one who will pay for it is the little guys.....doesn't that tell you something? big business is still in bed with big government and the little guys are still drowning in the mess...while you guys are swimming around and around with the progranda and help is needed but not gotten by the little guys...and who gets hurt first...low man on totem pole...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

may 20 th , 2009

I watched American Idol tonight...good show..excellent...
it was almost flawless... i so enjoyed the that is what i call entertainment...somewhere that got lost somewhere along the line, but tonight it was more than just revived, it was a classic and totally how to say it reminded me of the old days of Oscar night...just so over the top good...!!!!!!! it was just so good all the way around...just loved it...way to go... it moved right along and not to much talk and bull. but good old fashion entertainment....and that is what it is all about...entertaining the people and giving an excellent show...way to go!!!!! BRAVO....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

may19th 2009

you know after a while u be come well tuned to the game and the head games...just like yesterday, misspelling of my name on purpose by dial ride, i told her going to start those evil head games now i go to walmart and every time someone buying red spray paint...then today i took back tires to store, and of course went to tire store and fixed old tire...well richland cop on way there. while there they brought in a car with plates that said between the lines courthouse or prison...what ever....then head games on the spelling of my name for payment...what is up with that...every cash sale my name and address...bullshit... and then walking out they had guy painting the front of the building RED... get hint...and of course on the car with brkhous plates put in stall next to where i was sitting , then moved it right in front of i couldn't see and get the hint..of course keeping me there for a hour on purpose i could see two t.v. shows of teenage witch..
(evil by bible people. which you know don't exsist as that today...what people called evil aka...salem witch hunts where innocent people were murdered right here in america...also
but off the track again...i tend to do that because it is so intertwined...) they did all of that on purpose for head games and evil threats of misfortune and evil tell me folks that they don't dot t's and cross i's and well i don't tell me some shrink telling me i didn't see what i saw...that is when knew i was getting played by the u.s. government...and i could shame you with what they done on that whole issue...wait, it seems that the american people can't be shamed...or even feel guilty about rape, mental abuse, physical abuse, and misreseprentation and lies...but you get it all back and you want to keep doing be it...get some more back because it is just a matter of time before you too will get some more of lies and a total collasp of your government.. but that might take a year or two of over and over big big spending, like right now by government paying to fix the crooks books,
which were cooked and they knew it, just like they did with me.and child support... and you think that it still isn't going on? are you nuts..nothing has changed. NOTHING AT ALL..THEY JUST ARE PLAYING YOU FOR FOOLS... protecting each others ass's.... can't you see it people..? also spell check on adgentance
last one on spelling right, a spelling for adgent
and you put in uganda...just showing they know every word as i type it. and how much they know about what i do, i watched a t.v. movie the other night about ugunda and eddie you proved your point, that you know every damn thing i do in my own house. and that you are faster and smarter than can't fight big government...and what does it prove, harassment and that the america people don't care about rights. (until it is theirs..) and you know if there was an attorney that would stand up for my rights, you bastards would be paying through the nose...rape of my children by u.s. government...come on people where in the bible does it say to do those things to people where? and you justify it...go to hell and stay there, hell let god put out your candle and of course the heat of the lake of fire will keep us warm in heaven...what do you think it feeds off of? all goes around and comes around...the circle...


now this is going to be a log and diary of evil hypocrites of American justice at you know i keep a journal or log of all the crap waved in front of my face...well today i

V I D E O TAPED YOUR EVIL ASS'S THAT YOU WAVE IN FRONT OF ME... you see folks for twenty plus years they have been at it....before they used to sit outside where i worked, at the bank where i banked, in bank and also in the parking lot
across street, every street on way home and to work...they used to get behind me and stock me all the way to where i worked..
got pulled over once for flipping them off...(of course they had no reason to pull me over just abuse of civil servants to threaten harass and stock any one they choose...of course they never..never wrote me a ticket or a warning...just wanted to prove who was in control... also would be evidence of harassment and stocking....didn't want record of abuse of civil servants and power to hunt u.s. citizens...he had like twelve cop cars there surrounded me, and he asked me why i was waving and flipping him off. and i told him that i am tired of you stocking me and
i was drawing attention to this for witnesses and just to show you you cant push me around...i told him he was a dirty cop. and a dirty police force...he got f'n smart and told me do i look dirty? i am wearing a nice clean uniform and where am i dirty? i told him he was corrupt dirty police force...he told he he was going to haul me in if i didn't apologise to him for his uniform for being dirty...i sat there and glared, (i swear if smoke could have come out of my nostrils it would have...) ha ha ..... so i sat there getting harassed by Denver police, actually cherry hills police department i believe...i did not want to apologise..but i did....i said i am sorry... after i left i said, but i didn't mean it...
spoken under the threat of police brutality...and bruit force,
just by shear numbers, did they need 12 or more cops for an unauthorized pulling over of a u.s. citizen with out cause...and no ticket or warning was issued...Every time over the years never written up and no warnings...because they knew it was just a way of intimidate me with out...rights... so after that Denver police department got sued for police brutality for the sum of well over 7 million for a police shooting of a Mexican guy that they where harassing..and his widow with ten kids in Mexico only got 300,000. dollars...why because poor and Mexican and illegally in country so they took her for a ride didn't they? after that laws where in acted on stocking and harassing people...that is why now they do not follow behind me, but they come visually in front of me taped all my vehicles. and threatened me with hit and run, so they could fuck with me some more and prove they could set me up for anything they want to and get away with it...kind of like blowing up engine in car so they could use my truck because only my truck has dents in it...also daughter is eighteen soon and they need to step it up again...they don't want her to move back home and go to college on my dime, live with me and attend college so all she would have to come up with is books and entrance fees..also to prove they can twist everything to their control, she must live on campus unless she lives with relative...and must have signed and proved ahead of time...(now tell me folks...she is a legal adult..what the hell does she need to have mommy and state permission to attend college of her choice...)???since when..i have never heard in my life that an adult must live with a relative to go to college and must have written prove of it in advance??? no just to show they can still have control over me and my children and what they can do and plan ahead of time to excuse my french...fuck with us...period...control and abuse of city county state and federal agendancy's to get their bullshit evil i went to get tire fixed...and came out of store,
and at corner...of course always at stop light corner...of course they knew because lawn mower in full they knew where i was going...and then they park and wait until they know i am coming down the road, and pull in front of me. city of richland truck and benton county sherrriff... fuck you u evil bastards, you let rapists off the hook and threaten me?? go to hell you evil bastards and evil people...go to hell...and just proving that they can mark your steps and harrass and threaten anyone and deny justice, and look and bend and brake laws because u are government... and supreme court denial of 400 lawsuits against government for false imprisonment and false charges and unlawful detainment...throw it out all you want but in an international court of law, you bastards will be found guilty.....period...and you know it...just by being pricks...(and jesus called you pricks too...) so there...assholes...bring it know i wanted to come home and call benton county sherriffs office for a phone record of it for even more proof..of bullshit harassment and crap of and by city state and federal
government...June first is coming up and so be it you bastards you are guilty of rape, mental abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse, and i have more than enough court records to prove my case, no matter what you threaten me with, jail, prison or mental institution...bring it on...i don't care, and if you think i don't know that you will hand pick the jury so i won't get a fair trial, oh yes i am well aware of that too..i don't care you bastards...

Friday, May 15, 2009


You know i have a hard time with people who do not keep their word....and mr. president i had hoped you would not go down the path that the last two presidents went, but apparently you is like when the government takes away rights you don't get them back but you sure sold the country on constitutional rights and civil liberties...ouch..and i have to say i may not be scared and you don't frighten me on what you could do to me but....darn it anyway the more i hope that you people will change....(isn't that the leg you ran on...) change....but anyway the more you give lip service and not do the things that you say....i am beginning to think this is the end of times...and then again i hope he will come early so that we don't have to go through what i perceive to be times that will be worse than in the days of the flood..why? look at your future right now...not had a little reprieve until you started running to threaten my family again and now all i see is not good for your future...look more bank failers than all of last year..and big ones too. and two of the three big car if you think 500,000 every month more in unemployment is good just wait to see the next three months when it double and doubles again...i warned you ..i begged you not to go down the road you chose...but you have be it..and then swine flu isn't getting off the it's getting worse now as you see the balance is back out of whack because you refuse to do good and repent and be be it...

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hello, America...just another day in a country that is suppose to hold up civil rights and protect its citizens...and lets see...83 or more of water boarding a man in you wonder why so many of them commit suicide or go on hunger strikes...(that we humanely don't let them do....) ..kind of like being hypocrites to all you stand for...just like knowing Aubrey was not the only one...who would have thought...lets see corruption isn't just a local thing or a once in a life time thing here in like they go to the extreme on everything so they did on torching prisoners...and now lets talk turkey...o.k. you think that was something that just happened over night? hell no....look at me for twenty two years i have suffered at the hands of the American government and people...people who say they are Christan's but would profane the rights of no friend of jesus...god is not about oppressing others in his name...noooo hell nooo..and somewhere out there you think it is o.k. to mental and physical and sexually abuse others and its o.k.....where did you all grow up? in America...????? i don't think so...and let me tell you something...every time you failed to protect me and my children and looked the other way and did wrong...God put it back on your plate plague know that is the know it...and yet you people are still running to do evil and you just don't get you??? god shall avenge my soul beyond your comprehension....i am the balance..and you fools keep doing the wrong things and you will get it back...i promise you will....beyond your wildest dreams...or nightmares...your choice... good or bad, blessings or curse...your choice...all i can say is please stop before it is to late and god won't stop for your your me you don't want to be the ones running to do evil in his name...haven't you paid enough?

so lets talk about the mental abuse i have received in the last couple of days or maps of nd...everything on front page about north dakota...and then of course a post card...with courthouse and jail in north you see they can threaten and harass every day in some way...t.v. is wasted money down the drain because i tune out the commericals...but how you have intertwined everything on t.v. it is o.k. i can live with that now...getting quite used to it...lets see...isshe on greys...seeing people and talking to self...same on lost..and then lets talk about hero's about Americans getting picked up for no reason and hauled lets see...hummm building number 26....and on and on...bla bla bla...and on and on it goes...but you know it is wrong and to threaten someone day after day and to stock them and use ill legal laws just pasted to torment AND THREATEN go there is no where to run..and you couldn't even get me for a speeding ticket or even anything but you sure are going to threaten and keep mental abusing me...on queen street...(i am not a widow i am not a queen i am a servant to many and a master to none..) so if you keep saying this shit about who i am in the bible...then read it and know..i am not a that throws all of your bastard lies out the window..and then on and on...but what the hell gountomona bay isn't the only place where you have crossed the line now is it...? hell no... lets be honest and above (board...)oh excuse me...thats only for people you want to torcher and threaten with sent to funny farm...(mayfield ) no accident there what ever people...i try to tell you to stop it and i mean it...but you just keep up the bullshit and the crap and the be it...america haven't you been lied to enough?

gountamona bay isn't the only place where they have forgotten

the constitution and civil rights of others...all that was as in the past they just keep getting worse and worse...and that was nothing more that the bush administration wanting to practice on others torcher and a legal way to do it...i seem to be staring at the same picture...huh? no i am not a fool, only a fool who believes in the rights of others, and my rights as an American, and a person and mother and a woman...SO no matter what you threaten me with...I DON'T CARE...I KNOW IT IS JUST A BUNCH OF LIES, AND YOU WANT TO FORCE ME TO HAVE MONEY HARDSHIPS BECAUSE YOU WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE...) WHY? your explanation isn't good enough anymore...because you have fallen so far that you can't see what you have done and be it...but i am not scared. or anything else...i know how well you can do evil.. the Indians knew that from the get go ..blacks ...women,... and gays and on and on ...power has corrupted you so much that you were so busy at being the bully's on the block that you forgot to look after your people and your country...while you were lying, and pointing fingers at the rest of the world...your government was letting your future go in the toliet...ecomony.....golobal warming...every thing across the board...everything all the way around yet you were still busy running to waste tax payer money to flaunt commericals in front of me daily and internet...crap and yes folks they know what they are doing and hand feeding this crap into my computer...every day...wasting money and police resourses to follow and be there everytime i walked out my front door...and all the while your country was going to hell. but you didn't care about what was in your best interest...hell no more fun to run and threaten and stock innocent people..huh??? i warned you over and over again not to go there but you did anyway..and i am warning you again...please stop your damned foolishness against me....i swear to you, you will be sorry by the time god is finished with you...on my honor i swear to you...don't do it..don't threaten me anymore, and don't do your bastard evil....i don't want god to distroy i want the blessing...not the path of the distroyer...and people i am not lying...leave me and my family alone and let us live normal lives and watch the blessing return..and multiply...or do evil and watch god pluck up and distroy this nation...i am not a liar...and i am telling you the know the government doesn't tell you all i say in this house people...they don't, they wouldn't want you to know how right i have been and how wrong they have been..but then again there isn't one of you who doesn't know that what you have done to me and my children is when i say pebble in the pond ripple on the lake..i am not all bite of the apple and ran to do evil to me and my children and all of you if you don't think god will bring you all down into the pit you dug for me...oh yes he will...and you can all say you all did what was did i....does that change anything? nope, but you are seeing just all the evil you did to me come back on you...and you are still doing it...are you nuts....are you crazy? you have seen the blessing and the curse...and yet you still threaten me...bring it on...pluck up and be distroyed...then...your choices...and if you don't believe in god then why are you hunting innocent women and children like animals...? why? America? haven't you paid enough? well then reap what you sow...and remember how long are you going to be an acceptor of lies..? they protected liars, rapist and thieves...and god magnified it world wide beyond your comprehension didn't he? for the whole world to see you as i do...and you still want to come against me...???? then you will see the wrath of god by the time this is through...and if you don't restore, by my death you shall see...all for one one for think? if you believe in end times and last witness. then i would be nice and kind so god can repent and pour out a blessing...but if you don't i wouldn't want to be you or your children or your grandchidren for they will pay for your crimes of inhumanity against me and my go for it..or leave us alone...damn it...and you know you could not bring me down legally. you had to break the laws to do it..and lie, cheat steal and tell me, you are of God....hell no...just the opposite...and tell me god didn't maginify that world wide...yet you think your saved...have i got news for you...wrong... so if America threw out my rights 22 years ago and found just how much they could get away with, you think it stopped with just got started...that i am the only one...hell no...but i will be the one god uses to throw you out with the babies water or the one he uses to plant the flowers with...seeds of peace and prosperity or death and destruction..which you have seen which one you have choosen so far..hows that working for you now????? NOT ISN'T IT..THE MORE YOU RAN TO DO WRONG TO ME THE MORE GOD POURED YOUR EVIL IMAGINATIONS BACK ON now you see where works and deeds come into the picture...and you see that the more you did to me the more it came back on you...are you wise or fools...? your choice, but you can not say i didn't warn you :or that you chose to do be it..then you will be as Sodom and Gomorrah...and i am to tired to spell check tonight...just tired of the mental abuse you bastards have kept doing and you know by legal rights it would be your bastard ass's behind bars not mine...with what you threaten all the sick evil bastards...get what you deserve then...and watch every American pay for what you do...
do good or be it written..... so be your future...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who appointed u God

Hello America:

Well just another day in a country that is suppose to protect our civil rights but is profaning them any way....i don't watch t.v. because of the untold truth and the lies you put out that is suppose to make me a afraid and run and hide...but not going...and then again don't read the newspapers, either or listen to the radio...i am so glad for i can now listen to whatever songs i like with out all the
now i must say, what little i do i just basically turn off the commericals on the t.v. so you can't mess with me there. but then again i must say..i watched Geronimo on pbs the other night..wards of the state sent to Florida prison, and then deported...come on now where was he deported to...lie lie lie to twist and get your bastard evil out there...and other thing people...they disabled channel 42 so i could not watch another channel...just like 19 too...but when the basketball college playoffs were on that is the only time i got channel if you don't think they can do that shit you are so wrong...and so it goes on the bastard bullshit evil done in the name of religion, which is a constitutional issue from the get go..but what the hell this government has always done what it pleases with out a thought to the American people whom is elected by them..
and what started me off on this again to day you ask? well let me tell you i have basically quit surfing the Internet the one web site i visit...century to enter the home giveaway contest...and i decided to look at homes and of course i went to nd...and what do you think i saw? well let me give you a hint...they use to do it on ebay, but when i said i was not going to ebay anymore because they turned their houses sideways on purpose, and i said i have had enough and that is unprofessional...they stopped...well today on century 21 in n.d. on a house at fifteen thousand dollars...they turned it sideways, upside down. and i got a little pissed...come on now...who appointed u God..and what kind of professional business are you anyway? you have a right to practice your religion but you have no right to bring it into the work place and make others put up with your crap...number one..when jesus was alive and walking this earth...what did he do? did he run to do evil to people who had devils in them???
Hell no. he cured them that is the good book of loving thy neighbor and setting an example of love and helping each other, not forwarding the affliction of pain upon another human where do you get off at doing evil in the name of God in a country that is suppose to protect us from people like you who would profane knowledge and wisdom and drive us back to the dark ages..haven't you had enough? the last eight years were enough for me but apparently not for you....and by the way god says in the bible that every one shall worship their own god under their own what makes you god and the right to profane his word to your evil standards? rot in hell where you do everything to breed hatred and intolerance and you run to make trouble....get the it correct...i believe so and if you people want to go on and on about evolution and creationism..let me give you my thoughts on that...every thing on this earth came from a basic building block called and atom...everything...and what was the first man called Adam..which if you say it is is the say as anyway god is an administering spirit, and does he not say he is the rock the tree the water the bread...that he is in everything..then take it to the basic building block of life and you find god in everything and end of discussion..i will laugh when some of you come before the judgement seat and he is an amoeba, and then you say but that is not little you know and understand God may be one of the most complicated, but he always makes thing so simple that he can take things to whatever level you want to go ..such as the ten commandment taken down to one sentence because you couldn't handle ten, so he made it so simple for you to understand as to say, love thy neighbor as thy self ..the basic building block of gods word, and did you do set yourself up as god when you play god in other peoples lives,
and god calls you busy bodies, and he thinks of you as i do...(look it up you lazy people) also you should look up what witchcraft really means in the bible just might be surprised..(king james verison, if you think i am getting this somewhere else.)but then again mankind has always twisted things to fit their evil thoughts not the truth..and as a people you run like pigs off a cliff to take someone Else's word for truth instead of reading and learning and researching for yourselves for wisdom and meaning...but then again god knows just how much you can be led away with the vain traditions and teachings of man, for the sleighing of doctrine...all done for the day...when you run to do evil and lie like the devil to do it then you set yourself up as god, and that is the devil's greatest tool...
oppression of others done by prideful and arrogant people..