Thursday, July 16, 2009

you know for a fact everything you have done to me...everything...the good lord multiplied and magnified it right back on you plague know that is know the blessing and the have seen why are you doing evil instead of up to your constitution and laws and statues and not the ones you made up to trap me...assholes..restore all that you stole and lied and denied...get back what was yours or be destroyed...your choice...the path of the destroyer or be healed....after twenty two years you know i speak the why are you still being a proud and arrogant and evil people? well then get what you deserve..period...your choice...and at least god can't say i did not warn you enough to change your corruption and your hatred of innocent people to change your future...balance and restoration go hand in have to restore from all the evil you did to my family or guess what....Pharaoh? two examples....moses and Joseph....which pharaoh do you think you have been? take a guess....want to be like the one moses came up against...or the one who listen to the wisdom and the honesty of Joseph? guess who prospered and which one failed...don't you think they were put there for a reason...just like Sodom and Gomorrah and two angels sent to see what town was like...and what did they do to you want to be that? or Nineveh..who listen and understood about repenting and haven't done have still kept up your evil crap...this does not have to be the end of times... it doesn't. god could repent and pour out a know that is true. so why not do good and be restored...or do evil and get plucked up and destroyed...i don't give bad advice...whether you take it or not...your choice...but i can go before god with my head held high and not one of you can lay your sins at my door, for i preached everyday about what you need to do and use your free will accordingly....i will be clear of that plateful you have pasted around that you are now getting your just deserts...and you know time is running out for you to repent...that is a given..the older i get the less time you have...for another three thousand years of trying to learn from your far your still failing..after two thousand years your still doing wrong in the name of god and you know how insane that is and how wrong but you still do it...dumb...have you learned nothing yet?
poor man in village...and dumb ass with finger in the dyke.... you ran to do evil to poor man in village and it all came back on you like dumb ass with finger in the dyke....true...plague style and you still want to run to do more evil and mental abuse and to threaten and stock and lie and do more evil???? stupid is as stupid does....just like guy who could have been healed but didn't want to do what was told to do....Get the picture?????

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