Tuesday, April 29, 2008

President J. Carter, and Charlie

Hello America,

Last night President J. Carter was on charlie Rose show. My hat goes off to you. You exemplify the type of people we need to straighten out the mess we are so difficultly in right now. Bravo!!! I must give you just praise for the efforts you are making on behalf of people all over the world. your humanitarian efforts are well to be praised. To volunteer for habit for humanity, volunteer with president Clinton for aid for Katerina, and to travel the world trying to help with making peace through humanitarian efforts. I honestly prayed to God for help because of what i have seen as America going down the wrong road, and not seeing any light coming from within to straighten out the trouble America has made all over the world...But you are the first light i see as someone really trying to help with efforts to cool, calm, and restore some kind of peace in the middle east and else where. Thank-you for your efforts... I loved every word of your conversation. We need people to start listening. I don't think the efforts you have made will help much right now. i think deaf ears stop progress.
And i am not talking about disabled people, but present administration.....I also have one more question of you...READY? Next Book....About your diet....what do you eat???? To keep you so health and going out and doing everything you do.... Basically, what is your secret...share it with us because sure seems like you have found the fountain of youth....so do you eat a lot of Greens? Fruits? Veg's? Meat? Chicken? come on now. when i see someone like you putting me to shame on get up and go, i have to know..What is his secret? Coffee? Billy Beer? what? next Book, Cook book ?

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