Tuesday, April 8, 2008

today in America

Today in America i have seen a persons rights profained in the name of religion. an issue of sepration of church and state, yet i stand today a witness to watching this government lie cheat steal rape pillage, plunder, stock, harrass, threaten, mental abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse of and by this government. and yes in the last twenty years they have only gotten better at it. But at the same time God has maginified and multiplied their deadly sins back for the whole wide world to see. if you don't think this governement can't rape a child for their bastard agenda, or that they know how to use torcher, mental abuse to the extreme, you are so wrong. obugrey prison is juist the tip of what they can and have done. trust me. i have watched and know for the last twenty years just what they are capable of. i watched them use on me techollgy that wasn't available to you on me. but now you know it is possible. back then you would not have believed me. on star just for an example. they were keeping track of people without prior right or servalence without cause.

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