Saturday, May 31, 2008


YES, as you see i have a running theme....
could have guessed that one huh? Well what has happen to the America i once believed in, not there...Has left the building.. torn down the foundation it was built on and when is it going to get rebuilt...i guess when God comes back because right now it seems this government has run amuck with power and corruption that we as people have no rights... lets get this straight....isn't America suppost to be the land of the FREE???
YOU know, you can go where you want: our bill of rights were to insure that???? What has happen to this country? lets see what i am talking about today...O>K> once apon a time we could go where ever we wanted to and didn't need to ask permission to do so... when i start seeing people herded like cattle in a group to be classed together, and not charged with any wrong doing and the only people who have step out of line is this government with its agenda, and they tell american citizens who have not been charged with anything, you can't leave or go 60 miles with out notifing the police, makes me a little crazy. Espically when the only one who has over steped their boundries is the law....and proved in court, apealed, thrown out and told to give back the children in question, still not done, then they appealed again to state surpreme court, (as you well know, to buy time to make up and try even harder to find that perverbial needle in the hay stack, to bolster their case build on fraud to begin with and to use as a witness a man in prison already is come on .....................................
stretching it a bit isn't it...To show an old picture of a man kissing a girl whom is in prison for his crime already is like saying well we don't have anything so lets run with old stuff, for which he was convicted for his crimes, and then using that evidence now, and putting it on someone else is like saying that Jimmy hofa is still alive...I have seen a five year old give better lies, and story telling to get away with what they have done. come on at least you can do better at spining your lies to fit your agenda...right... come on now shame on you....

I can not believe one thing they say..
first 31 women, excuse me their own account, now proven, cut that in half, or even now what five? maybe?

They are on a witch hunt and still have shown no proof of any wrong doing, and still they push that these people must give up their rights to get their children back is HELLO>>>

we want you to be fingerprinted, pictured and must submit to everything we want or you don't get your children back.(back in the olden days one would call that black mail or even extortion) it started with one, (me) and now it is going just like everything they do, 450, now and how many more is to come... a pattern of abuse, of and by government and it bothers me to no end. it so reminds me of what led up to world war two.. when Jews were herded up and corralled and no one did any thing about it but a very few.....and they weren't doing what they did to protect the few legally.. (underground) remember, and if you do not think that the few who had the heart to care about another human being, weren't afraid of what the governments or their neighbors would do if they found out, they were but they had what i call, heart enough to care, and willing to step outside the box, to do what was right even if it cost them their lives, remember that, now they are celebrated as hero's for doing what the majority wouldn't do...And again today i see the same things happening right here in America.....that happened leading up to world war two, only guess who the villain is? and who is leading the pack? doesn't it scare the crap out of you? wake up America....wake up, Kind of reminds me of my bible. doesn't it to you?
only i should say
Awake oh lord, awake ..................................

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