Saturday, May 17, 2008

way to go saudi's

hello folks, can i speak franky? Hope so because i am going to anyway. The oil guys over in the middle east said no to president Bush. I suppose any one with half a brain must know where i am going with this. I tell you what i do see everything....America can pull the wool over the people and other countries, but not this little woman...I can read between the lines and the truth... Do you know why Bush wants them to do this.????Get a grip he is an oil man, and the oil companies have had record sales profits for how many years straight, quarterly???? at least two that i know of... why not go to them. you know who does all the refining???? AMERICA>>> hello,
But they want to deplete their resources first, while America is sitting on lets see ALASKA and the biggest oil field up over in north Dakota.....SO lets get the people whom America doesn't really like to begin with to cough up all of theirs and then they will be coming to America again for the oil. and by then prices will be so outrageous that once again it will put America back on top again as a world power not someone just blowing smoke.... you have to look past the big picture...but then again if you people won't acknowledge that this government can lie cheat, steal, rape, threaten, harass, stock, mental abuse, physical abuse ,and sexual abuse and do it in the name of God, and then lie like the devil that they did it...and America is well versed at it. lie like the devil, say it didn't happen and wait until the proof comes out....then make up more lies to cover the old ones with something new...tonight on show about the devil triumphs when good men do nothing.....he also does when you do the opposite of good....doesn't matter to you folks i have yet to meet anyone with the character of God or even a good representation,...i see a a lot of fakes, oh excuse me anti-Christs

all around, but true to the qualities of god...oh hell no...

But they sure are doing all of this bastard evil because of him...

that's right you see the x's in the sky's. that's right they actually had one on Ghost whisper the other know where your heart is there is where your treasure is also. and don't build up treasure here on earth but build it up in heaven. and it's a treasure far greater than know the one. the pearl of great price...hid in a field...(you know why buried in a field. that's where you bastard hypocrites put them after you murder them...six feet under..) price of admission???? Character of god.... basically one little sentence

love thy neighbor as thy self and in doing this you do well.

that's right you flunked....big time....

as Americans, you threw away all of the constitution,

as Christians, you threw away your bibles, all the while screaming your religious values, Fake...bad moral code of conduct, you know clean on the outside, filthy dirty on the inside... soooooo true....

as humanitarians, you threw away your ethics.... the way i look at it.. three levels in heaven...three here...

Country, America

church, faith

people, humanitarian...

and on all three levels you flunked... and i can say it because i have lived it... oh that's right lets see how this Bastard government fucked with my daughter and me again...

she got three f's this year in school..accident? oh hell no, she was a straight a student with a 3.78 grade point average..(NO accident on the numbers... then the first three f's this winter grade point average 3.19 now...and she is in a home where child molesting went on twice over..(no accident there either..huh) BEgining to see a pattern of abuse.??? doesn't take a rocket science person to figure it out does it....??? hell no just takes some one with the character of god to stand against the likes of a bastard nation that does not stand up to anything it once valued. truth, honest, justice, you hunt your own people like dogs, and (God calls lieing in wait, hiding in the lurking places, and trust me i have seen enough cops do that one.....) and anyway, about the three f's when i said that they flunked on all three levels, then they fuck with my daughter in school to give her three f's My daughter never knew failer until she caved and did what this bastard government told her to do and i can prove every word of it... and you know what is the hardest thing of all. Knowing the truth of all of the bastard acts done. knowing how wrong it is and do you know what is the worst of all of it?????? what makes me spitting mad the most? That i can't find one person with the character to stand up and admit what they have done. or say yes we did it, or just to have the integrity to live up to any kind of values... Makes me mad that every person i have met sold their soul to the devil to play their bastard head games to me.. not one true person... not one true person to stand up for themselves and their character of being.... none... not one standard that is twelve hundred points to obtain... no just a little one as to be yourself and not to let any one change you or make you do something that is not you.... and i have not found anyone like that here....not one... and i keep searching for one soul who has not sold their soul to the devil to do evil to their neighbor...not one... i swear....not hard at all in my book, but apparently my standards which are as simple as god's is fall way short in your have none. because you don't stand up for your convictions...or your beliefs or ethics.... and that is what makes me mad... me the fool am willing to die for what i believe in and i am willing to fight every step of the way for the truth to come out. how can you turn your back on what you know is the truth?? and how can you people be so willing to except lies first and you get angry when someone tells the truth? something is screwed up when lies are easily accepted and truth is trampled into the dust under foot. you people get more angry with the truth being said than lies? why is that? you accept lies and have shit fits over the truth...??? In the Bible it says in psalms that i hate them with perfect hatred, and i can honestly say that is true.. and they know why.. i have lived where i live for the last eight years and watched these bastard neighbors of mine run to do evil and i accept it and now i come out side and say what i want and you know what not one has the courage to say one deceitful bastard lie or integrity to stand up as the bastards to say yes we did all of these things tuff shit, you know why court of but they don't stop with their bastard evil either....

just like the devil hide like a coward, while gods saints are willing to stand and die for the truth...But i have the courage to say i have watched you bastards work to destroy my family, my daughter's grades and your covering up of that and only after two phone calls do i finally get the grades from September...kind of like the richland principal getting a promotion and transferred... once again just another way to rub in what they have done and gotten away with and then rub it in, and getting rid of the people who took part and helped...

pattern of abuse. and it still gets me as you people can't see that them taking 450 children out of good homes in a blanket move is wrong, you have to take it on a case by case, not what they did. and you can't see that this happening all over??? in America and i am just another case??? wake up America and read your bibles,.... and please read it for yourselves, not like some of these idiots read it and figure it out for your selves, don't read it and believe that your preachers word is correct....research it yourselves and read it and you will see things much differently than what they want. the vain traditions and teaching of man, read it as a child seeing it for the very first time and maybe it will come alive for you and you will see things differently that what these num nuts say. and for your information. no where in the ten commandments does it not say thou shall not cus... not a prerequisite to heaven. do not take the lords name in vain.. is not the same. and i told my son if God can call a woman a whore and Jesus call a man a PRICK, then my language will not offend them.....

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