Monday, March 23, 2009


Good morning America....
Go Mr.President..
I like everything your doing...6o minutes interview good.
speaking to iran...good...isreal, good for you too..time to defuse
the last eight years of hate spilled by good...still have a long way to go but it is a start...diplomacy works much better and less costly than war..and proven fact...war = famine, death, and cost. i feel that war is not cost effective any more..people who war end up like third world countries...with nothing to grab on too for sustainability.. when there is peace and prosperity everyone wins...hands down...proof in again your choice..any way loved seeing you on J Leno...every one bet you...and you were good...just like your 60 minute interview..excellent...!!!! i swear you are doing everything so right...i don't care what they say....i think you are doing everything right..and yes a national health care for everyone is long over many promises not fulfilled in past presidents...we need to get with the many other countries so far ahead of us in everything...doesn't that tell you that the path you have taken is wrong..and to steer us back on to the path of innovation and creativeness, is long over due..i do not want to see us be like Russia, ( sorry i like you but you too have not not kept up with the future, trying but...look really look at the truth live high on the hog, but you are just as broke as the pheasants in Russia...and you are basically in the same boat, just look point is no time like the present to go forward with it across the board...what do you have to loose...nothing gained, nothing lost is not true any more...need to stop dragging your feet congress and get on board, with the future..for its here, and you can either jump or get left behind, and for the last eight years you have been left behind, and the morage debacle is just showing the world than while you sat on your asses and did nothing, the greed and corruption of banks, and that congress was where? in their back pocket.. it proves one thing, your not even interested in protecting the people, and that is suppose to be who your working for...lest you forget...(hummmm some one else said that too....hummmm i wonder who..)
But i do not think giving pre school to all children is the answer.. first you are shifting the responsibility of the parents to
school, and that already has had a profound effect on schools and children.... You need to make parents more responsible not less. get all involved, i understand the problem with under educated parents having problems with reading and math, but there are so many tools out there to help now days...including books that are they can still read to children with tapes, and with the t.v. and captioning many ways to get them up to par...but putting responsibility into not unless you have co-ops...which gets the parents involved..too...quite necessary..but most when given the chance, learn from it and take home those tools and progress..all i am saying is don't push it off on someone else and cost wise too..make it manageable this day and age, make it work for you and right now with economy the way it is get some of those unemployed in there helping while looking for work too..."don't pass the buck" but start having people work for it...and trust me, low income people when they have the drive they can do just what they set out to do. they are the back bone of America and always have been, it is called setting goals and reaching them, and anyone can do that...anyone..
so for today, again, MR. president you have been making me want to get up and say hurrah for America, once again, i am starting to look forward to the future being bright again, may take time, but it took ten years for banks to mess it up this good will take a while to get us out of this again, but i swear i believe you are doing everything right, and i say go...go ....go..
and you know being in front of the public, working to undo all of the past is good...really good...and you know it is like a child who has lost its way, and needs its hand held for a while because it is unsure of the way to go.. so we will be up and watching Tuesday night again, Mr. president for you make us feel like there is a president in the white house again, not some stupid dumb ass who didn't know shit from shinehola, except how to breed hatred and corruption, all for the
and now we have to suffer for his actions.

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