Saturday, March 28, 2009

new thought for the day...

don't you just love it when people preach but don't live up to their own words....called practice what you preach...but not here...and as today begins the new motto for us compliments of an evil nation wanting us to sacrifice while they still have money rolling hand over fist for the corrupt government, in bed with big business....are you ready?

yea right, while you bastards got away with braking the laws and miss use of power and you say cope with my shit, you evil bastards...may you rot in hell, the hell you created by your own bastard deeds, and tell me to suck it up...fuck vile evil bastards, who by the way couldn't keep their house as good as mine, and they sat out to destroy it, couldn't do it legally. had to lie cheat steal and rape to do it, and you know damned well i have more than enough proof of what you have done. but own up to it..hell no...rub in my face all that you have done everyday...while you sit there and watch your ship is sinking faster than you know. and what the hell, you want to give me advice, fuck no...take some of your own advice and cram it up your evil vile bastard people. pride and arrogance still. and you want what? restoration and for things to change...change begins with you not me..i did no wrong but you fiuckin bastards know beyond any reasonable doubt that you fucking broke laws to do evil to me. and sit there and lie about it...own it you bastard people...and as i sit here what do you want to bet on how much time you got left?????
want to go there? cope with change...fuck off....i will watch my God, the god of salvation wipe you off the face of this earth, you evil vile lying bastard Hippocrates....and take your own bastard advice and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, and folks,
why don't you balance your books. and take care of your own bastard evil vileness that got you where you are i am the good Steward...and you suck at all you touch...want the blessing but you still deserve the curse... and by the way the nations will no longer flow unto you....because you so corrupted your evil doings...reap what you sew....

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