Thursday, September 10, 2009

august 10,2009

hello America,
how are you evil people doing? me? JUST TAKING IT ALL IN..
you people crack me up...threaten much, but i am still here...and then you put on web site i go to...six sunflower lanes....come on now...forgiveness...first you have to admit what you have done frame mischief lies and deceit...and guess what happens to those who do???? your got tongue? or just the go ahead...i look at it character have none...your still out of wack...there are some facts the more you run to do evil to my family the more it comes back on you...period...if i am blessed of God, i am his peculiar treasure...then what mistake have you made? following the word of God or doing the work of the devil....? if you had listened to God America would not be where they are now...threaten away all you want...guess what? if i am right, and you are wrong, which you have been for the last ten or twelve years and paid the price...letting the wicked do things that brake the laws because they are the law doesn't make it right, you followed to do evil to your neighbor without cause and it has come back upon your plate, magnified and multiplied...let me put it to you this i believe that God will pluck up and destroy this nation before he lets you get away with the lies and crap....oh yes...and now today again the crosses in the sky and x's whatever..all i know is i will come out of this o.k. but you might not...every American shall feel the evil you ran to do to me...tell me folks who read your bible...who is in Babylon right now? ACCIDENT? HELL NO so guess who is the bad guy in the bible....? the one who swallows up the nations....who? America....get the may not like it...but that is the truth...see yourselves for who you really are? the hypocrites you don't stand for let our rights go and don't care...but it is your rights too...can't you see...i am like your water in the well...use or abuse it and you won't have it no good steward's and get back your keep not doing anything for your future and you won't have one....period..

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