Thursday, September 24, 2009


good morning America,
seems all is well in America....
whats new? fed borrowing from banks now....hummmm..
robbing from peter to pay Paul now...just like 90 percent of America now....what good is that doing...just making a short term solution to the problems that this government ignored, and let run a muck....but that is what is the circle of debt that you have gotten yourselves for the latest with me... commerical every time i turn on t.v.
steven defoe and pickett.....well now didn't see that one coming? in a pigs eye...also still every time i go out...cop is there...what ever people stocking is a crime...except when it is harassing innocent people..and wasting more tax payers dollars to put commericals in my face to remind me of the lies and deceit and bullshit you have done...what a waste of our money to threaten and harass an innocent woman, and her family as you lay in and hide...hell no...i have not done anything wrong, even though i know what you are capable of, so what? i have watched you frame me evil i still watch the LORD God take you down some more...and doing this is against the laws of this land, to threaten stock and harass some one in the name of religion is against the law, but what the hell, the constitution doesn't stand for anything any more..lets just change it to fit your needs of control over the people..just like in the bible...well nail me to the cross and burn me at the be it...i have no problem with that...i have to much evidence to prove that you have been doing this shit for to long and to say i have three more years of your braking laws and what not...i don't care...go for it...for you will still go down into the pit farther and farther...hows your debt now? still climbing..and America see what control you as individuals have? take the credit card fees...see do have a voice...and it is about time you used it..those assholes who get bonuses while bleeding the American people dry....and when you have had enough you do get in gear and raise your voice.!!!! bravo....we want America back....not to be controlled by an evil government who wants to do what ever it wants and not be held accountable with our money...go for it America and learn to stand up for your rights...
i am not afraid of what you do to me...not any more. and i will not run and hide...just frame your lies, i still believe my truth shall prevail and the truth that you have broken laws of city county, state and just want to keep me quiet...not happening...rape is a is not protecting the people you are suppose to keep it up...i guess god has not mirrored all of your evil enough for you to stop and desist...
i will watch god give you everything you deserve, and it doesn't matter from where...already forewarned in the no problem....i accept what ever you do. i stand in truth and honesty, that you do can live with your corruption,
and lies, and deceit, on judgement day we shall all stand before god and be held accountable...i did everything right, and you did everything wrong...that is why god is pouring your evil imaginations right back on you multiplied and magnified beyond your comprehension...and you think it is over...think have not repented or restored...and you are what you are...corrupt from one end to the other...i guess god is not a liar either...huh!

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