Wednesday, April 30, 2008

give me a brake....

today i watched the news say another underage girl just gave birth to a baby boy. and that mother and baby are together, until custody hearing....For whom? Vague on that issue...Don't you people question answers? don't you come up with more yes, and what are you talking about? taking child away from mother? on what grounds? An unfit mother? The attorneys say she is eighteen, you say under eighteen....who do i believe? And then question o.k. now what? taking four hundred children away from parents in a blanket move.... yes we are a nation of laws????? only when state can bend and brake them and make up new laws to satisfy their agenda....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

President J. Carter, and Charlie

Hello America,

Last night President J. Carter was on charlie Rose show. My hat goes off to you. You exemplify the type of people we need to straighten out the mess we are so difficultly in right now. Bravo!!! I must give you just praise for the efforts you are making on behalf of people all over the world. your humanitarian efforts are well to be praised. To volunteer for habit for humanity, volunteer with president Clinton for aid for Katerina, and to travel the world trying to help with making peace through humanitarian efforts. I honestly prayed to God for help because of what i have seen as America going down the wrong road, and not seeing any light coming from within to straighten out the trouble America has made all over the world...But you are the first light i see as someone really trying to help with efforts to cool, calm, and restore some kind of peace in the middle east and else where. Thank-you for your efforts... I loved every word of your conversation. We need people to start listening. I don't think the efforts you have made will help much right now. i think deaf ears stop progress.
And i am not talking about disabled people, but present administration.....I also have one more question of you...READY? Next Book....About your diet....what do you eat???? To keep you so health and going out and doing everything you do.... Basically, what is your secret...share it with us because sure seems like you have found the fountain of do you eat a lot of Greens? Fruits? Veg's? Meat? Chicken? come on now. when i see someone like you putting me to shame on get up and go, i have to know..What is his secret? Coffee? Billy Beer? what? next Book, Cook book ?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Come on, are you Blind too?

Hello, America,

I'm back. And i love to argue the point especially when i am right and truthful... Painfully so.....Didn't watch News for the most part since last Friday...So i don't have much to vent about today. but if i get started i know i will get warmed up. A person we all know as being in the public eye lately, surely disappointed me today. This person said we are a country of laws so to speak, And that justice was served... are you kidding me? I am white and i see the injustice all around and you have to say justice served???? for and by whom? was it..? i seriously doubt it...No way in hell. That was so blindly reeked of injustice, and corruption. Judge and jury by state official....So no double jeopardy, and no criminal neglect

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Jeremiah A. Wright and Bill Moyers, Journal

Good morning America:

How are you ? I am up at 5:00 A.M. to watch Bill Moyers
and Jeremiah wright. Half truth. I don't sleep much because i have a hard time breathing. so i go to sleep at like two and wake up like at four. I sleep in bits and pieces because of breathing problems. So anyway I did want to watch this show today. Success!! I wonder how many of those throwing those proverbial stones were up at five to watch and see what you had to say???? not many more than likely, but I did. closed mind, closed heart.....And i refuse to be like that. loved what you had to say Jeremiah, not one lie in there anywhere....
And you are so right. people only perceive what they want to. For instance, talking about Indians, Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a low income white woman...brought up in middle income white class society. All i learned about Indians in school was fourth grade, wig whams and to make one for class. and also about Indians helping whites when they came here.... turkey day. Basically what i learned about them was not through school but through reading books, and newspapers. not education. and Black history when i was growing up..... Was none. period. other than learning about constitution rights....
get my drift. Martin Luther King, sorry to say never heard his speech until my daughter was in middle school or so...It was nice to see that for her, school was more open to the truth and accomplishments of others than my generation. let alone my parents generation. whoa.... Let me tell you of an argument my step mom and i had when i was about 18. Talking about Indians, and what was done to them... her perspective and mine two different views. Just like she said, that the U.S. government had every right to lock up Japanese Americans
during world war two. Then she went into all the stuff about
why she felt that way... Which was basically hand fed from government during world war two. Little did she have on facts of the real issues. And what amazes me is how much she doesn't want to know or research the truth on the matters. Years later, she was talking like she knew it all about the Indians. (Where did she learn this....are you ready. a Novel where the writer had researched more than she did on them. Basically had a map of
how many Indian tribes were on the coast then.) Opened her eyes that it wasn't exactly like she was brought up by. Now today i am sure if she read or saw p.b.s. shows on world war two and Japanese camps i am sure we wouldn't have the same argument today. of course i now realise, you can't argue with ignorance......Anyway. loved program today. very truthful what you said. And you are right.....You know i have been through a lot in the last twenty years...I have to say once again, walk a mile in my shoes before you condemn me. I can not say why the Good Lord has put me through all of this but i will say it has been a learning experience. As he would put it....for edification purposes....I did not close off my mind, i opened it more to try and understand the BIG picture of it all. And let me tell you wow! where do i begin. First of all on the Bible, grew up with a view of a child's view of God, please understand, it is a life long process. what i know today and yesterday are different because of one day but there. so then twenties...My God during those years was the same. Didn't really grow...just in love, puppy love with God... Still a child's view of God...Now i am fifty and have i learned a lot. I do not like violence at all and basically only watch rated G movies... Reading my Bible from beginning to end, what an eye opening experience.. Was rather hard. had to shut it a lot. Just to graphic for me... Then i had to grow up. And boy has that been a trip.... Still learning, but where i was ten years ago and today.... two different worlds. Then and now. Sometimes it is hard for me. But if i had not been put through what i have been put though I would not have the understanding that i have today. I would probably argue with God, ( a woman thing...) today if i had not been put though what i have been through. but because of what i have been put though I have a deeper understanding of God. AS where today i probably wouldn't argue with god, i do know that he is right...
and that i do trust him. Even thou he may slay me, yet in him will i trust. And you have to be able to go that deep. to really comprehend him. Why the Good Lord put me though all of this. to Grow. As a person, as a human being and sometimes just to say see i told you, you could do it. i like that a lot better than what some of these yeahooos cram in my ears to hear as reasons why.... That is something you need to learn....I must find my reasons not yours.....your excuses....People who love to give you advice really shouldn't especially when it wasn't asked for.... in the first place.. And they give such lame ones too. And you know what is funny, When God mirrors it right back at them...They suddenly get a different prospective...than they had before. and let me tell you they don't like it...that's when i have to chuckle. I call it pay back God's style....And trust me he does. Mirror it right back, and multi and magnify it too. the blessing and the curse... Your choice. You see God can only give you back what you want. or put out or let me put it in his words. You do evil and he will pour evil back upon you. the blessing and the curse.. Your choice...For the last twenty plus years what i have watched this country do to me and my children......i would have never believed it if i had not lived though it...and trust me i have proof of a lot of the illegal crap i have been put though. But this i must say. What started out, well not right but cruel and wrong, (past is past) over the years they have gotten worse with the hatred and cruelty that they have done, but every step of the way, if you pay attention, God mirrored, multiplied and magnified it right back on u.s. government. And trust me, God has Cursed America for it... it is like nothing you do will be fruitful until you change your ways....Repent, repair, and restore.....your choice....Psalms 40 verse 9

And i am talking Government not people, but when the people
dip their hands in the mistif pot, and stir then when God gives it back.... remember your choice. you didn't have to dip your hands in the pot and stir. and those who stand by and watch and do nothing, when they know it is wrong.... then they get the curse too. it is called the sin of omission. not admitting to the truth. or coming forth when called upon to do so. like strike that from the to speak.... But there is a lot like craft and beguile, or lies and deceit....Just the Bible goes deep and it has different Degrees.....enough said today. An other thing that has been good on blogging....They are a touch quietier than they usually are.....Fear of being put on the carpet or pushed out into the open. Amazing huh. oh by the way. if you do not think that it isn't religious persecution what is happening to children in texas, your wrong, oh thats right that is why we also have muslims locked up without right to trial.....
BY a jury of OUR peers.....And torcher, wasn't Jesus throwned in prison for a crime he didn't commit, torchered, beaten, clothes parted.....and then murdered?????? And today we are where???? Sure feels like back in his day.................

Saturday, April 26, 2008

yes, Texas, and New York, again

Hello America,

yes again i am going to rant about nypd shooting and Texas.....
Nypd shooting, Attorney General will look into it....Yes right...connect the dots...and need i say again, fox guarding hen house.... and yes corruption does go all the way to the top......and about the children in Texas, being housed in arena..collisuim..Doesn't it remind you of Katrina??? And then to box them off like criminals in a prison convoy. Now if you didn't have scared children you do now. and then tell me that it didn't feel like concentration camp for those children. and then to be interrogated by them.. of course those children are going to say anything to hopefully get to go home. or just scared shit less to say yes to anything for the hope to go home....come on now. Grown men and women will say anything to get out of jail. police informants for one..(lets not go into how i feel on that one.) but i can not tell you how wrong this is on every level, and they are still getting away with it....but they got away with it with my daughter too....and as the saying goes, cup i drank from so shall you......Wake up America.....Wake up before it is too late for you.....

Friday, April 25, 2008


Hello America. Once again what do i see? Government not held to a higher standard...come on now... acquitted by judge. who is guarding the hen house? Judge....bought and paid for by whom???? u.s. government. who's best interest at heart. opted for trial by judge. you knew the outcome of that one huh...Wasn't by 12 blacks was it????? or better yet twelve people from that neighborhood. nooooooo......done by a white upper class white judge who had who's best interest at heart. not justice. unbelievable...........once again....tainted, bent and broken to fit the city, county, state and federal governments wants needs and agenda. not truth, honesty, and justice for all. not any more......

Texas again this morning....

Good morning America, how are you? don't you know me i am your native son,

Yes i won't quit. this morning turned on the t.v. for about five minutes. had to turn it off. can't stand it much any more. o.k. what did i see? Glad you asked....o.k. Texas again, civil rights violations....this is what was basically said. doesn't matter that it was false accusations or shady gray on rights to go in there but there was found to be cases of child abuse. Putting cart before horse again....Hello... again who was behind call to begin with, come on now. make the stretch. then to say doesn't matter? anyway? just an other way of u.s. government saying they can do anything they want regardless of the laws in this land..... O.k. for sake of argument.....going in there on no grounds doesn't that constitute ready.... think....

illegal search and seize laws.......

then to say doesn't matter, we got what we wanted... once again who is guarding the hen house..(.fox....)and who did the talking to the children? people bought and paid for by state. like unbiased really happens in this country. case and point. police confessions.... just like now. trust me they can spin it any way they want to to get what they want regardless of right or wrong..and this country is on a feeding frenzy against religious groups...James town Guenna, another one in Texas, as we all know ended as badly as the first one, branch Dravidian, Waco Texas, and now this one....
lets not forget ruby ridge either....and i can go on and on... truth be told. what is with America who says freedom of religion while probley has the worst record of abuse against religious sects next to hummmmm......China.... but lets not go there. we are suppose to be the candle of the right to believe as we see fit not as someone else dictates to us our moral code of ethics, which America is definitely not in first place there either... sure can't win for losing anymore. and as for the lies they just keep spueing out of their mouth..and keep getting caught in.... lets see how many of you trust this government? Americans? honestly? take that poll.....lets see Iraq.. lies
to go there, mental abuse, by sleep deprivation and music, (practiced on me twenty years ago, (they have since fine tuned what they are capable of now. trust me you don't know the half of it...) but not happened remember, rape of grown men... didn't happen.. murder of innocent women and children...didn't happen....tourcher....didn't happen....Katerina victims....lets not even touch that bunch of lies on why poor people were treated that way....all lies stated to begin tell me people are you that damned gullible to believe everything they say once again?????And the only time they confess is when they get caught with video tape, pictures or total proof, other wise didn't happen, except when they want you to visualize what they want you to see... and if you throw out the laws in this land to get away with being able to do anything you want to American citizens then we no longer have a country, of the people by the people and for the people. Can't you see what you have done by letting them slide and not holding them up to the light? Government run a muck. when laws were made to protect the rights of the people. to insure that government doesn't overpower the rights of every persons rights in this country. Then to watch this government make new laws to protect city county and state and federal government, that you can't sue them, or sue them for much....checks and balances gone and your rights no longer have validation. last but not least, in the bible it states...and typically me can't find it exactly... where every man shall worship his own god in his own way under his own tree. And people you have no right to pass early judgement. as you well know how false that can be. don't be drawn in to pass judgement where you have no right to, and when you start throwing stones at one religion then what is to say yours is next? and last but not least, don't pass judgement unless you attend the trials and sit through everything. and underhandedness of state tells you not done with a pure heart. All i am saying don't rush to judgement, when the alternative to what you see America has become....not so good, clean and white anymore..... I love what America started out as, but i hate what she has become.....makes me cry for you, not me...i am dieing and my life is almost over....but yours is still ahead. and i cry not for me but for you......just as Daniel did in the Bible...i cry for you too....lost souls... i hope you find your way back....and folks... the Bible is not a religion it is all about faith.......So where is your humanity now? LET HE WHO HAS NOT SINNED CAST THE FIRST STONE....and judge not least ye be judged....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Boston legal, right on last night.

hello world, once again. i was so cussing out the government again today. couldn't find my blog and i figured that the gov. took it down. so took me a while to get it back. why the head games? don't know probley wanted me to vent about freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. you know people have quit playing the i don't know what the hell your talking about, to hummmmm........well only in America can someone stab you in the back look right threw you and lie to your face, i didn't do it.... hello. what has happened to this country???? i ask myself this every day. First lets start with 450 children taken out of good god fearing peoples homes and put where? foster care. like that works....hello brain dead people.....foster care doesn't to any child in foster care.... now what is wrong with this picture? take children out of homes where they are loved, oh number one....on no evidence. putting cart before the horse can't do that. but once again America proves it can do anything it wants without regard for the law....two if they are tutting their horn about how righteous they are about doing this, after the fact.. lets see take-ing children out of homes where there is no cussing, drinking, sex abuse, beyond what you deam criminal. all for what they believe in. and putting them where? in homes where turn on your t.v. and all you see is sex, violence, drinking, rape and every vile thing on earth. but these people need to be criticized for not allowing their children around such filth.... and they are going into a much better enviroment? now who's brain dead. and it that is the case, then this government would be going after every female under the age of eighteen, and taking their children away from them, and then what??? can't do to one and not everyone. case in point. there was a Mexican family out in Finley who had a fourteen year old girl. the dad married her off to a college Mexican boy. nine months later she was popping out a baby. where was c.p.s.?? no didn't care.....but this is where America has an agenda...they want the money that they make. and basically brake the bank. they can and will misuse the power they have to get what they want. period. don't care who you are or how right you are...they will and can do anything they want. and if they did this in truth, and righteousness they wouldn't have had to use a lie to start it...and if the lies they spue out of their mouths were good. they would be going after every girl who has a child under the age of eighteen. and ripping them out of their arms. oh that's right out of wedlock is o.k. in this country..and under age just not in any religious context allowed. can't pick and choose then you have no argument. and no rule of law..... should have been thrown out of court grounds to begin with. tell me folks a prank phone call from Colorado to a woman's shelter in Texas....come on now..... and then no charges against woman.... come on now who in the hell do you think paid for that call in the first place??????? think hard. and then rush to judgement???? no America is not America anymore and don't have to say that twice. and by the way Boston legal couldn't have said it any better on comments before the supreme court!!! well worth watching...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Critic of american power gone astray

Hello. world. well been about week since last blog. i do not believe any body is getting to read these but what the heck. at least i am getting the time and opportunity to vent. Well today on new. woman let out of prison after two years convicted of false crime. once again it shows how when the government wants to spin things their way they can. and do and was convicted on false evidence, (ONCE again) when you have them handle-ing the evidence then they can and do taint the evidence in their favor. basically can't have the fox protecting the hen house....or you will get dirty results, like the state wants. hers toxicology reports arsenic in the blood, off the charts so to speak. after she's in prison for two years... new tests prove innocent, husband died of heart attack... no poison at all. of course she also had how she handled it after the fact, drug thou the mud. didn't make her a murderer it makes her a young foolish woman with god forbid hormones, there are a lot of issues at hand that she had to deal with. how many of you see your loved one die in front of you unexpected and young? not many. two who is to judge how she handled her life afterwards??? not you.... walk a mile in my shoes... and let he who has not sinned cast the first stone. And last but not least. lets talk about the boob job that they also waved in front of her face, that that is why she killed him to pay for it.... lets get something straight, here in America where we are having teenage girls getting boob jobs for what ever reason.... ready, (there isn't one woman who won't know where i am coming from on this one.)
OR MAN WHO HAS BEEN WITH A WOMAN....she had four children...strike one.. tell me how many men are even going to look her way. four!!!!!! o.k. now if you have had four children, i don't care who you are, they ain't going to look like mount Everest any more....
period.... so if i was her what would i do.. darn right, i would get the boob job. number one she probley hadn't done anything for just herself in a long time. she deserved it. number two hedge her bets... they ain't going to be too interested, with what she had, and four children, again...
number three no one goes into second relationships any more without trying the product first. sorry but the truth... has to work in all departments or no go. and if you don't think bedroom not important wrong again. number one thing men think with?????? hello. and to criticize her for what, date-ing, and trying to find a man who would accept her and four children. she was young. not dead...When people even break up they do just exactly what she did, lots of people men and women, jump right out of the pan and into the fire once again. so now what do you say.... sorry. folks they have to start being held accountable because number one they are big, and powerful and have unlimited resources to use. when they know better but do things anyway on purpose.... no they should not be allowed to get away with it, and to limit lawsuits...
bullshit. they would be more careful. right now you are giving them an open hand to do anything and not be held accountable. wake up America...wake up....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

equal protection under the law......bullshit.....

hello world, once again, let's talk....o.k. equal protection under the law... yes, right only in your dreams. today talk talk talk about protecting children from parents for child abuse...lets see six accounts of child abuse in my ex' s house and guess who gets protection???? him that's right. protecting the rights of child... only when it benefits u.s. accident. a lot of money to get from this. they want to drain their bank accounts of those people in Texas. money is power and they want to ensure that they don't have any more and what a better way than to take all the children out....cost a lot of money to get them all back. American government is no fool. just waiting for right time to pounce. want proof.? six accounts of child molestation is my ex's house and did they notify me????? hell no....and did they protect my daughter after first time? hell no.. second time? hell no as a matter of fact. now she lives with him... of course i was denied the right to file contempt charges for child abuse, child neglect, child endangerment...
but he was given everything. illegally too. that is why they threaten my ass but don't do anything... why? because i can prove human rights violation of and by us government....
you know what a hypocrite is?

one who points finger at china for human rights violations when they have been violating my civil rights and that of my children. oh that's right. only American government can lie cheat steal rape threaten stock harass and abuse, mentally physically and emotionally in the name of God and lie like the devil that that did it...... God curse America.....already has..... can't get justice from court system, God handles it his way.... pours it back on them... all of their evil deeds. multiplied and magnified..

Only in America can they bend and brake laws to satisfy what they want while they out and out right deny others the same rights of equal protection under the law... only when it is in their best interest.... want a little more proof? cop in Florida, five phone calls to 911... concerning daughter kidnapped...ready.. how many of you are fools and believe it? listen when it is a cop....they act differently because they would swarm like bees to protect one of their own. unless of course someone didn't like him and had their own agenda. trust me they did... i could believe one phone call, but five.... no now that is beyond the realm of accidentally miss forgotten..... that was out and out right contempt... showing that they could, can and do only protect whom they want to when they want to... question for that sheriff in Florida.... who did you piss off? maybe no one they just wanted to pick on you, just like me????? no accident. oh that's right, now you can listen to all of the excuses they will hand you and bite your tongue as you try to swallow down the excuses on why your daughter died....just make you about that one... or it was her destiny.... or better yet... she deserved it....which one would you like to hear right now???? yes i guess that is right... only dumb assholes who don't know shit can hand out reasons like tainted water huh??? better yet try separation of church and state. while they raped my daughter in the name of it..... beautiful huh.. only in America....

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

today in America

Today in America i have seen a persons rights profained in the name of religion. an issue of sepration of church and state, yet i stand today a witness to watching this government lie cheat steal rape pillage, plunder, stock, harrass, threaten, mental abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse of and by this government. and yes in the last twenty years they have only gotten better at it. But at the same time God has maginified and multiplied their deadly sins back for the whole wide world to see. if you don't think this governement can't rape a child for their bastard agenda, or that they know how to use torcher, mental abuse to the extreme, you are so wrong. obugrey prison is juist the tip of what they can and have done. trust me. i have watched and know for the last twenty years just what they are capable of. i watched them use on me techollgy that wasn't available to you on me. but now you know it is possible. back then you would not have believed me. on star just for an example. they were keeping track of people without prior right or servalence without cause.

When city, county and state, brake the law.....

When city,county, and state brake the law, what can you do? Not much. i know i am fighting an up hill battle but i don't care. i have watched them ignore laws, create new laws to trap me, and out right brake laws. So what can i do? Watch them get away with it. and know that the attorney General of washington state knew about it and that is why let time goes on you will understand a pattern of abuse of and by this country. of wrong doing, knowing they are doing wrong and then transferring the guilty people to other area's. plain and simple they told me. can't sopina them if you can't find them. and trust me you will see this pattern of abuse quite regular with them. Once again threatening me with prison. but what the hell. i know America is no longer here. America has left the building. Funny thing when the u.s. took away my civil liberties twenty years ago, now today thanks to patriot act niether do you..but that is also fortold in the Bible. Let me quote you....cup i drank from you shall drink from too. will go into more on that later. i am just going to start with the tip of the ice berg on illegal wrong doing of and by benton County. just in the last eight years.... ready set go!

My ex, first income tax evasion, icome tax fraud... which one i think both but i know for sure one. of course he gets totally off. income tax evasion for six years.... owes 66,000. dallors to irs...

so then he files bankrupty's. what i call bankrupty's fraud too.... are you ready...and yes i can prove every word... first he tells me file-ing the summer.....then his wife moves here from seattle...Why you ask? because they make too much money for them to file bankruptys together so they must fraudlently seprate to create enough bills to justify bankrupty...not done yet.... they they still didn't have enough to file bankrupty's so they purchase a fancy van from car dealership, knowing they were purchasing it just to put them over the top....on the bills. so they seprate to create two sets of bills on top of purchasing a van with the intent to commit fraud. Well done huh??? o.k. now here is where you start to comprehend just how much the government backed them. let them get away with shit, while trying to trap me into illegal stuff just to cause trouble.... so then i wait patiently so i can get my child support upped. they never reviewed my child support in eleven years...took three years just to get it into court of law...born ninty one, court ninty four.... why you ask... they just wanted to cause trouble and not protect me or our daugther...more on that later....

so after eleven years 250.00 child support. i first call and find out about laws required on child support.... first two months or so letter on revoking license. four months.. revoking lic.... six months arrest warrent.... well i call benton county and ask what are they doing about it? my ex 9 months behind in child support and what is going on? Ready they use this excuse alot....
which they both were living here at the time so fraud again on bankruptys filing... i bet you will find that the phone calls will over lap and prove every word i said about bankrupty fraud.. moved here after filing.... so back together...anyway... i asked what's going on with it..nothing out of our jurstication....(THey use that one alot) I said how can that be??? we both are living right here in benton county... why don't you have arrest warrent out? will get back to you.... stalling....
so they contact him and as you will see in the future they play head games with child support in future with states help.. and yes i will prove that too. funny thing when i started to coralate all of this, they changed the way you see the statements on when child support gets paid.... they changed it completely so you could not get how they manulate the system to get away with shit...basicly they used to show itemised statements then they went to just new statement so you could not tell how far back in the rears and also if making payment once every six months, no longer in the rears....just one payement and considered current... so they contact him and let him off hook for non payment of child support.. consistantly four months behind after that...just enough not to get into trouble but enough to cause me financial trouble. o.k. now i take him back for more child support..... ready this is goood.......
i call office of support enforment on how to get child support upped... done by benton county proscuting office...o.k. lets do it...
i fill out paper work... they start process....ready let me show you what they did illegally...
first they send out paperwork to both of us... fill out send back in.... they send letter out we don't show parshallaity toward one or the other.. aloted time goes by... they send out new paperwork which i have...i have letters and all the paperwork on this issue.. they say it is uncontested and i will be getting 525.00 a month. court hearing on such and such a date... which first heads up... by what info i had i was entitled to 825.00 by stated income on bankruptys filing...which i also gave to to proof of his income.. time comes, i go to court...later in diaries you will see what guy at o.s.e. says to me.... i sit there... nothing finally i get up and ask... post poned>>> until such and such a date... find out later ,not asked of by ex... but by state... state did it to deny me child support and just wait ..... (on top of more illegal stuff )... by the way from here on out all court hearings done by same person... so if caught, not a real judge, can't be held accountable, direct quote by attorney on other side... but i bet if i didn't follow court orders... i would have been found in contempt of court and held to the bar. that they could use it both ways.... sneaky huh... by the way ex. notified about postponement, me not.. oh when i got home that day in the mail that very day... which they knew i would not get until after court... sent out two days earlier... like they know how mail is, they just wanted me to miss a day of work without pay (pay to her double) in the bible....which is also against the law...separation of church and state...more on that later.... which you will also see as another pattern of abuse by government.
so next court hearing. postponed to give him more time... want some more proof every time take ex's to court for wrong doing.... 9 months every time. or denied rights all together...wait and see on that later. again... so give him more time...hummmm why? well will explain that shortly, but for now as the plot thickens. give him more time to file tax returns....told by prosecuting office... so go to court.. day in court...child support 266.00 up sixteen bucks from 250..... play on numbers....16...dallors... but judge decides to keep it 250.00 no difference... now if you are below poverty level on income wouldn't you like 16.00 more bucks. do you know how much even sixteen more bucks could give a single low income mom? try five gallons of milk at that time and five pounds of hamburger... or a case of corn dogs. four packages of hot dogs, five pounds of hambuger, four boxes of macaroni, and a gallon of milk. but no i didn't even get the sixteen bucks that he said i was entitled to???? something gone wrong. later after a lot of wrong doing i went back... and asked for court records of day in court.... none available...didn't happen... also on way home from court, ex called my daughter (after school) so how long we were in court that day..... he calls her and calls me a fucking bitch... i come home in a good mood and she comes out of house mad at me. i asked her why? because i humiliated him in court. i told her that wasn't fair. to take his side without even listening to my side first. a little unfair don't you think daughter? she agreed....anyway later when i went back for court records.. transcript of everything said in court that day... ( This was after so much wrong doing that i was finally pissed off and going to go after it all and see about civil lawsuit... well no court records... no transcripts of day in court. THen office of support enforcement... no finanical records available...nothing... required by law:::::: ready... three years income tax returns..... i know he was autitied by irs so they had income records... another requirement by law.. when self employed... ready six months detailed bank statements by person... That is why they took nine months to get this into court... so they could set up fraudulent bank accounts to fix his income so to cause me a financial hardship. his income was syphoned through friend in mean time... totally set up by state. any one want to call me a liar? why no records of any kind. as required by law. and no record of day in court. dismissed...... over my dead body... which is what the want.. just wait it gets better on abuse of power by city county and state... tune in for more tomorrow. looking for civil lawyer to handle case. you won't believe what they have done or gotten away with. sad when government is behind all the worng doing. and couldn't tke me do legally had to do it illegally. they broke so many laws.... me zero.. but they still won, but i am not going silently any more. i do not care how much they threaten me or what they have gotten away with... wrong is wrong and i can not let them get away with the illegal abuse of power.

Monday, April 7, 2008

help, i need somebody!!!!

hello, out there in I do not know what i am doing....trying to get things to post on blog page. when i figure it out i will start posting my blog. which is very important. i have a lot to say and too many things to tell you about. well over twenty years of abuse of and by this government....and trust me i have a lot... which is what they fear.... trust me it is time for me to turn the tables on them for the illegal and immoral things they have done to my family. right now they are withholding my daughter from me. i feel she is being held hostage in her father's house.... and when i tell you and put all the evidence on the Internet you will see that someone has over stepped their bounds. a lot of people have. When you become a country that no longer respects the rights of others then you become what you hate the most.... a country without rights is no longer of the people,by the people and for the people. I can not tell you how much i have watched them profane my rights under the law and that of my daugther's. i fear with what they are doing she is thinking of committing suicide because they refuse to let her see me or have any free time, anywhere. she is kept under lock and key. denied the right to do anything that a normal teenager gets to do. She has point blank told me she hates her dad, and her step mom but they refuse to let her go.... it's complicated it's not. i know that the government can and do threaten it's citizens but i will be damned if i am going to go down without a fight. i love my daughter to much to watch this bastard country destroy my daughter. I have to much proof of all the illegal things they have done. they know i have threaten to post every word on the net. they have gotten a little bit quieter because they are being very careful right now. they never thought i would take it this far. But when push comes to bet. i have twenty years worth of dung and abuse by this government to shove right back down their throats. oh no they could not have known that the Internet would be so big, or blogging could take off. or that everything they have done would be posted on the world wide web for the world to see and understand that this government is not Lilly white..not even close. this is a test blog because i can't seem to get it to post. but when i do get prepared to see a side of the American people and government that not everyone could have believed that they could be so ruthless.

injustice for over twenty years by u.s.a.

To whom it may concern:

I am a United States Citizen. Bred, Born and raised red, white, and blue. all american. i believe in our constitution. and my constitutional rights. even if they are at the present being denied. I have been denied basic protection under the law. i have watched this Government and its subciteries deny me the right to legal representation, i have watched them basicly throw in my face that this city, county, state and federal governement can and does get away with anything it wants to do. i have been treatened with prison, i have been threaten with jail, i have been threaten with mental institution. Am i afraid? No. Not any more. i am to old to care about what they can do to me....As god says, don't fear what man can do to you, but fear him who can kill both body and soul. and i value my soul more than what this hippocrite Nation can do to me. Nail me to the cross, burn me at the stake. But you will not get me to deny the truth of the words, actions, and deeds that i have watched this american government and the people have done to me. today an attorney named alan t. look up in phone book, benton county, washington state threaten me with a lawsuit. I told him bring it on. isn't it foragery when you put someone's signuture on legal paperwork i did not sign????? or that the legal paperwork i did sign has never been entered into a court of law? Excuse me but Benton County has willfully and intendentional misused and abused the court system to do illegal and immoral and basicly wrongful acts to me and to my children. And i can prove every word of what i say. every word. and 99 percent of it is with their own words in legal court action. oh yes they want to keep me quiet, and let them get away with breaking the law. you want some proof??? Lets just say the firing of attorney general of washington and federal attorney general, alburto conzalas was no accident....and yes i can connect the dots. given enough time and effort you will agree with me by the time i am done proving my case. if i can not get justice in a court of law i will publish all the dung on the internet, oh excuse me not all of it because guess what? No police reports filed, called, asked for written and autio, because i know for a fact, what they write and what is said, are two different things... any way niether. all gone, same way with court documents, and also court transcripts. didn't happen... want to bet...

you see when they want to do illegal and immoral acts, they do it in closed court, but when they know they are legal then they do it in open court. i have five years of daily records i plan on posting. including legal records from other legal departments of state government. they may get away with everything they have done, but by God i will publish it as God puts it,

"In the great congregation." Sometimes you have to have a personal relationship with shomeone to completely understand him. and i do, and at times only for a moment and other times i know in time he will reveal what i need to understand in due time. let me now quote you him so you can understand. sometimes it takes a while and when it finally hits you, you so get it... People tend to look at God as in the third person. I don't. Will explain in time. but tonight i will leave you with this to ponder,.......

I delight to do thy will. O my God,

yea, thy law is within my heart,

I have preached rightousness in the great congregation:

I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation. I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation.

You see you can think small or you can think behond your own little city town,state or country. i believe with all my heart when God spoke of the great congregation, he was speaking of now and the internet. not some church, but in the great congregation. So tell me people what has a bigger following? Nothing is more truthful than his words. And he wasn't lieing when he spoke of the great congregation. now was he? Name me any other form that is greater than the internet? none. it is the great congregation. It is also where we as a people can converse with one another also without the state denying us the right to talk......