Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sat. 28, 2009

Hello america,
Well Mr. President, i think you are doing a good job. and i think Mrs. Obama's dress with stevie wonder night looked fabulous. of course that one was designed by stevie wonders wife....and you look on with the day...have a good one, and may you not tucker out to early...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

WOW!! three blogs in one day.....


home equity loans....

If you want me to feel sorry for j.p. Morgan for making bad mistakes, hell no. and if you are all in trouble why in the hell are you buying up failed banks? to add more bad debt to your bottom line as well, now if that didn't sink the boat already the extra load of bad debt from an already failed bank will surely put you over the top? where was good judgement? out to lunch with bush administration on give us some bail money and we have the gravy on the potatoes, and the steak and we will just cruise on by, with our greed running before us, and our hand out to government to "save " us...... and then come crying back time and time again, we need more money....cut someones paycheck besides the grunts at the bottom of the totem pole...

I told you so i told you so...Damn it...Mr. President, you had
better make sure that the money for bail outs, are not being used to give more people home equity loans. i told you people a while back to fix the problem, no more home equity loans period. 770 million last year from one j.p. Morgan, and this year from that company they alone expect $ 1.4 BILLION PER QUARTER.... IN LOSES IN HOME EQUITY LOANS... bull shit..
bullshit... more money to home equity loans..... no more... bullshit. all they did was get people to value home more than it was worth even then, then they would take the money and spend and leave us holding the bag... and a lot of people think this is the end of time, so go ahead and spend, if god comes back we are looking good, but loans up to our asses but still keeping up with the Jones... makes me so mad, no accountability yet you are still spending and waste-ing money to do commercials to screw with me... trust me folks can connect the dots...dumb ass congress who set there talking about steroids, and baseball as we watched our government basically put its head in the sand and do nothing but talk and waste money on hearings of baseball and who is paying for electing these people who make 5 million in speaking jobs from lobby groups? interest at heart, not it is the truth when are you people going to wise up and do something besides sit there and watch as nothing they do works, because they are still paid.... cut their money in half and watch them wine or how about no health care for government workers? like the rest of us? because they get the gravy and we get the shaft.....

feb 26, 2009

well i thought i would wait a few days before i did my blog for the day or here are my thoughts on a few things..number one i think when i heard about Obama taking the bush stance on no rights for people in Afghanistan, word for word of bush administration...i cringed.. i am glad you clarified that you would not allow toracher..but the problem is that all the information you have is not creditable. don't fall into the same mistakes that bush made...they were turning in anyone for the money and to get rid of others for their own gain, basically one of the oldest things done through out history and you can't see that? that is doing unto others when you don't know the whole story that is why there were so many detainees that were locked up without an investigation, and confessions don't work, especially after being put through hell....all i am saying is that i think you should basically get the HELL OUT OF AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ....PERIOD.. let them handle their own problems...enough is enough and you can't afford that cost anymore... they will calm down and work though their own bullshit with the war lords and stuff, you being there is just stirring up trouble and that is what they want...get out...damn it... get are not in control and it sure makes me upset when i see the main road for supplies to Afghanistan cut off and bridges put out, what does that tell you? the hatred for America is spreading instead of getting better...and if you look at a are out flanked on every side of Afghanistan and if i were you i would not want to pick that spot to do battle...dumb. not at all to your advantage... and trust me, when you have the ocean at your front door in V.Nam and couldn't win. when you are land locked all around with not so good neighbors...(humm... kind of reminds me of me and here... get out.) and first thing in any war, don't let supply lines get cut off... that tells me BASIC fundamentals of war 101 were not followed. learned that about world war two and we cut off the German's supply lines, and here you are letting the world see you with egg on your face again... just get the hell out of there. regroup and then re think things and get it together before committing to another being there is asking for trouble. not making things
better, just our boys getting the worst part of the arm chair warriors..... now on to some other things, If Mrs. Obama got her hair cut nice..and hopefully some help to fix the dresses you have a good figure but you do not accent it correctly for full beautiful eye hurts to look at your clothes sometimes knowing you could look so much prettier with your figure...and i am not saying go slutty, no you can dress conservatively and still accent that figure to full benefit of the American people... we want to see you in nice clothes not out there crazy ( where you ask where did she get that dress? oh my lord..get her someone to help her for goodness sake...) you know a few designer dress's that are a little out there... o.k. but every time? you have a Halley Berry type figure use it to look better, i know you can wear comfortable clothes, but also ones that work with your figure and the ones you have been wearing (sorry) don't do that.... come on now do it for me...thanks.. i know not a good critic, the way i dress and look, but i am not the President of America's full view of the world... so i can be a frumpy old lady. i have earned that right...just being me... and the last thing i would like to talk about...Vick getting out of prison, 23 month sentence.. which i thought was too harsh... and what goes though my mind, a black man sentenced too severely and cost too basically ruined him...but that is what you set out to do, high profile black me how many puppy mill owner's received the same thing? or people who take in all these animals and they live in filth and are starved to death, one lady in our community just did that and she walked away Scot free with not so much as a slap on the wrist... so what is the difference? none, only torcher by another means... but you don't see them getting 23 months. just him...
thats all for today....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

tuesday, feb 24, 2009

273.4 million dollar satellite from of all places, NASA...crashes and burns into the ocean this morning....i rest my case...and by the way the meteorite that fell from sky the other day...TEXAS...
(MUST HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR PRESIDENT BUSH...) Just my little sense of humor there. but then again the bible says there won't be a rock big enough for you to hide under...and another thing. you just might call that a wake up call from the big guy.... a warning shot over the front of your bow...(not sure on spelling on that one..) (sorry about that) but you get the drift... a little red flag from the big guy on: What the hell are you doing...Sodom and Gomorrah??? remember..?? and that is the way he cleans up the earth..the second time, and it landed where? America??? hello? no accident? So why are you still running to do evil to your own people? but it is your choice, and your destiny, you chose the path that this country takes, and sitting there passive doesn't help when you know right and wrong and do nothing? you receive the same as the one who is guilty...when you know better... oh i just trying again today to get you to see, it's not me, that is the problem, it is you and your allowing people to misuse the law and this country to abuse people who haven't hurt any one, but you are every day you let these assholes get away with the abuse of power....and some times when i say things and then they come true, i will admit sometimes i think you are making up shit just to have another way to mess with me... so what ever, i won't stop running my is my tool...the sword of truth..that will never it come alive!!!!
food for thought for the day!! as i used to say , have a good one...

Monday, February 23, 2009

been a while folks, but i'm back.....

Hello America,
How are you all feeling right now? well me, mad as hell and not going to take it so nice and quiet any more...well i see that your economy is still tanking, but then again this evil government has not stopped running to do bastard evil to me, and threaten, stock and still harassing. trust me my journal tells the story all to well...and now for the latest...have you paid attention to Feb. 17, 2009.??????? that is the date that Mr. president signed the stimulus bill into law...Did you notice that he signed it into law in Denver, Colorado? technicality you bet you.....on that one, signed into law, in Washington d.c. would not have state jurisdiction for something stuck into that bill to become a law in Colorado!!!! do you know what i mean? there is federal jurisdiction, and state and county and city all of the what ever got put into that bill to make it enforceable in jurisdictional bet your ass that it has something to do with me...i know it does...that shows you all that this has went from president to president to president. running to do evil to me and my children...just like jury summons for both me and my son at the same time, (random) lie, and liar's...come on now and to make it a crime not to show...bullshit...that is just another way for the government to get the elect to come in quietly so they can put them only they know where...and all done by lies and deceit...i should know, been watching you slide down hill for the last twenty two years and we all know the big 52 is coming up....that is what the last you can do evil and get away with it? or what? lie some more....unconstitutional and wrong but what the hell. we just keep allowing this bastard government to do anything it wants and you all just sit and take lets see congress man makes 5 million a year talking for lobby group and forgets to put limo on tax bill..(and by the way, he is one of the guys to makes up the tax excuse,...i forgot???? yea right....and you wonder why that the banks and the financial institutions are getting all the money and we are what? LEFT HOLDING THE BAG.... Now for you Mr. president.. i really like you but now you are starting to make me wonder...everyday i wake up with the faith that you people are going to change and start a new... and every day you so disappoint me on that one... so now my beef with you...first you
went and took bushes stand on detainees having no rights... over sea's.... you took bush's stand completely and you were going to change? all of that? and today on the news i watched an English guy who was detained and beaten, and then sent to Guantanamo Bay, as he got off plane in England...Charges dropped against him two years ago but not let out until now...Why? To protect Bushes ass no doubt...i want to see that man charged with war crimes in an international court of law...Bush should be held accountable as much as any one else...just because he is president doesn't give him the right to cross the line and not be held accountable...but then again i have watched this bastard government do anything it wanted too to me and my children and not be held accountable..i guess when you know the courts are run by city, county, state and federal government. it is just another way to paint it but it is still government. all the way and when they want to (excuse my language,) but must be real...fuck with you.... they can.... they will,... and they have and you get no justice...and they want me to run and hide like a coward...Hell no! i don't care who you people think i am, i fight for what i know is the truth and i can' and hide...hell no...i know they can threaten, stock and harass me every chance they get...after twenty two years of it i have learned to deal with it... but i will not back down or away from the truth, no matter now much they threaten me with a " frame up" don't care...truth will always come first with matter how good the lie or how well set up it is, and trust me they have had lots of time to practice and make sure they dot every i and cross
every t, that is why he signed it into law in Denver Colorado. lets just wave a big red flag on that one, let us wait and watch what comes next... but what the hell, i keep telling you people the more evil you do to me: the more evil that comes back on you...and don't you want the blessing? your choice...and you choose to do evil, so get what you got coming...and even thou you may slay me, i have my eyes on the prize, my treasure is in heaven and you can't take that from me, no matter what the hell you threaten me or what ever.. all i know is that you just keep doing evil, and has anything you have done worked? your still falling farther and farther into the pit you dug for me, and you still haven't hit bottom and yet you still find time to screw with me? point? stupid???? assholes? I can't seem to get through to you... you chose to do evil, You chose to do hate, and lie and cheat and commit fraud...I didn't, you did and god magnified it all back on your plate and giving you your just desserts, and on top of that you just keep doing it some more.. so has what you have done, worked for you? Hell no. but i am still here and still
a float while you are sinking farther and farther into the pit you dug for me... how about repenting? how about coming clean with the truth and making things right? you have put the balance so far out of whack its not funny, it is so far out of whack that you have screwed up the balance even as far as out in space....true...and you can't see it.. your like a cancer that started and now spread all over the globe and then into the heavens where satellites and meteorites are going down on you...
that is how far out of balance you have gotten things, it doesn't take a fool to see the truth only a fool to ignore has not been my doing, but yours.. i didn't run to do evil to you, you did to me...i didn't upset the balance you did, and if God choose me to be the vessel to use to see which way the pendulum swings so be it...i can't stop you from this.... all i can do is preach..stop this madness and leave me alone and let peace and harmony back into your lives and into this world again...please i can only tell you i can't make you do it... Sodom and Gomorrah or Nineveh?
your choice, and you are still choosing evil...or to do bad or to do wrong... how ever you put are still doing wrong and as you see every day nothing you have done has worked? why not ? try it my way for one week, one month? and see if things do or do not change...pour out a blessing or a curse like the world has never known? do you believe or have faith..i do but i can't lie to god for you...sorry i can't..i can only call it as i see it and i don't even have to do that he knows just by what i go through...believe or not : the evidence is there and you have seen the truth of my words for twenty two years... i am not a liar, but you are...time to clean up your act and please just let me live my life in peace, but you haven't done that yet, and i hate to see that if you haven't made right the wrongs you have done to me and my children by the time i die, then i will not feel pity for you when god rains holy hell down on you, i like to call it, one for all, all for one, his last witness...that is when he comes unglued...and i wouldn't want to be you, so i beg of you to stop it...this is unconstitutional, and you know it, separation of church and enough of an issue for was put there for a reason, should be protecting gods people not the other way around but then again that is what the devil is good at taking something good and turning it into something bad...and America one last thing, the more you let government take away your rights, you are headed for trouble. Why because once government can and does get away with it very highly unlikely that anywhere down the line they are going to give up that power, another one of those tools... greed and power...and now we see as a new president takes office, that that power has not stopped or reverted back to the "CHANGE" we were expecting...