Monday, March 23, 2009

Hey michelle....

I do not want to leave Michelle and the children out either, good going on the garden !!!! after tomatoes escapade last year, more people are doing the back to nature thing, which is good..
i was not happy with no tomatoes in stores for a while last year, thank goodness for my son having a garden and tomatoes, I just love them, I could eat just tomatoes sandwiches all summer long...just love them....then they thought it was bell peppers, they weren't sure....and how about spinach stuff....people. people, people, basic 101 of any food item...wash it before eating...period. i think we have just gotten lazy and take from bag and throw it on the plate, and go...we wash our hands, but not our food....??? do both...always wash fruit, and vegetables, once again basic food lesson number one...wash the fruits and vegetables, heck my mother taught us wash the meat too. Not hamburger, but to wash our steaks, pork chops and anything cut with saw...period...can't tell where it has anyway...good for you to Mrs. First Lady... go team, go the cheerleader....

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