Saturday, March 7, 2009

march 7, 2009

now as i am done venting about evil busy bodies, apparently you didn't read what God thinks about think you won't be held accountable? foolish foolish people...all i can say is rot in hell for hell is a long long time for you people until 2nd death...but then again God is merciful even to hellions like you people who like to run to do bastard evil to the second death is final..after you get back all the torcher that you have pricks, and you have corrupted all of your doings, i haven't and God magnified that one on you didn't he...hummmmmmmmm well run to do more evil you stupid dumb ass people...and now for the bad news as you still run to do evil.....4.4 million unemployed...doubled...well don't want to repent and restore? and yes in ways they are being nice because they want the 2 billion in funds promised to evil for government and get rewarded, but i bet you i move away...(just like last time..) funds would dry up and blow away...but don't let me remind you of the has a way of repeating its self....but lets just fuck with the little person at the bottom of the pile while you assholes just don't get the picture...i even tell you what would it hurt to repent and restore, it just might stop your downward spiral out of control, but what the hell, you love to lie cheat steal and rape innocent people while it makes you feel powerful, and evil, it also took you down....don't let me say i warned you and i told you so, and yet even with your pride and arrogance you see the truth, but refuse to own up to just keep pouring money down the drain, because nothing you do will work, until you restore from all the evil you did, but then again then you would have to own up to doing evil in the name of god in a country who guarantees separation of church and state...makes you out to be a bigger liar and a hypocrite to all you stand for...and i am still in the green and clear and have no evil on my hands, but you do...shame on you... while you sit there playing God with other peoples lives, when you know it is wrong... Playing god with other peoples lives is the devil doing just what he said, setting himself up as God, and boy have you people done that one, and i am living proof of that...can't lie about it any more, too much water under the bridge for that....(just shows you how far you let things go without care-ing about the people and about this country and where it is headed... even India and China was doing more for their people and the future than this government cared about America or the American people and what they wanted....and by the way Mr. President, better not take your children to food store, the smut tabloids have started with slurring your good shield the children while you can, and yes B. Obama this is not your fault, but when you partake of the apple then you get its seed.....57 cops won't lose their jobs...please come on, and stop with the bullshit and pay attention to the future...i will say i like a lot of what you have done and what you want to do..and i back most of it all the way..i love the thought of national heath care for all, it has been promised for ages and not done, that would be a huge feather in your cap, and it can be profitable and work can, i do think you have a lot of good ideas, question is how to get it started, let me give you an example, the last p....said they would rebuild Iraq, and look at how long that has taken and how much money...the longer they take the more money they rake in and how little gets done, you need to make sure that all companies can bid on jobs and not who is friends with friends or contributed to campaigns and you know lobby groups, and back door friends, (corruption ) and trust me it goes on more than you think... so example, Iraq and that has been too slow and way to much over spending...getting fat on the gravy....while the people suffer... back in the old days it got put into action fast...just to many people with their hands out wanting to get in on the greed and action...

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