Sunday, March 8, 2009

march 8 th,2009

dear mr. obama:
Face my fear? sorry but jail even for one night is not my fear, it is your bastard evil to do to an innocent person to make all bible scriptures come true...but wouldn't want to make a dream come true? You like the nightmare side of the story? O.k. if that is the kind of person you are? i thought you were a leader not a follower, like bush and the other presidents. and to show me a ahead of time the evil you have planed is not of God but of man, it of the devil not god because if you were doing all of this because you hear from God your a liar....because if god was talking to you would know the future, not what you have cold and calated to do to someone, but we have discussed this before...your liars and you love to torment...such as today my daugther is coming over and the two guys across street "backed in" just like bushes "Back up sign" before talking to the american people crack me destiny...tell me did you tell that to every black man you hanged? or before you slaugthered the american indians? or took thier children and put them in schools to learn your christian belief's where was the love there? you people know what they have planned and you are fuckin crazy.....put church flyier on my door last night....all the while you know what they have planned...and you just want to thump your bible? your the ones who watched as they beheaded john...or stoned steven or nailed Jesus to the cross, where is your faith? hiding like they did when they arrested Jesus? what does that say about you? coward to stand up for right and wrong? when is enough enough for you people how much blood has to be shed for you to see evil can come from the least to the greatest and when you rationalise every thing they have done, then you shall suffer the actions that you have love the is your dream not mine....
mine is not of your doing, and you see by your hands what has become of this country...Isn't it time to lead instead of follow...Mr.Obama? sepration of church and state, crime to presecute in the name of religion and lie about it as you do it..i have too much proof and can connect the dots all the way to go ahead and just throw out the foundation that this country was based on and just keep kidding yourselves about where you are headed and who you are in the bible...can't misread that one now can you????sure can twist it to fit your lies now? no. restore..but then again pride and ego to defile innocent women and children is more fun....then get the lord Gods rage when it comes and he has given you too many warning signs for you not to see the truth....but your choice...lie or truth? which shall it be?

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